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Initial Meeting Master Lab Course Web Applications

The initial meeting for the Master Lab Course Web Applications will take place on 06.07.2012 at 10:00 am in the seminar room 01.010.011. Due to many interested students please apply for the course in advance as soon as possible as described on the web page. 


This lab course is an opportunity for students to realize interesting project ideas supported by the advisors of the course. Students that already accomplished the Web Application Engineering lecture can implement their developed business ideas from the exercise. As a foundation the lab course builds on the play 2.0 framework in order to reduce the configuration overhead.  In addition, projects can be based on the web collaboration plattform Tricia with projects provided by the sebis chair. One of the core concepts of the course is that the teams have an additional emphasis on new technologies e. g. NoSQL databases, Web Toolkits, Scala, Akka etc. 


Preliminary meeting for the lab course Web Applications on July 25th

The preliminary meeting of the participants of the Master Lab Course Web Applications will take place on Monday, July 25th in room 01.12.035. If you are interested in participating in the course, please write an email to Alexander Steinhoff.

Noch freie Plätze im Masterpraktikum Webanwendungen

Im Masterpraktikum Webanwendungen gibt es noch wenige freie Plätze. Ziel des Praktikums ist die Entwicklung einer voll funktionsfähigen Webanwendung in Teams von 2-3 Studenten auf Basis des am Lehrstuhl entwickelten Web Application Frameworks "Tricia". Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite zur Veranstaltung.

Vorbesprechung Master-Praktikum Webanwendungen

Die Vorbesprechung für das Master-Praktikum "Webanwendungen" findet am Dienstag den 13. Juli um 13:00 Uhr im Raum 01.12.035 statt. Beachten Sie, dass die Anzahl der Teilnehmer limitiert ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Veranstaltungsseite.